Pierre Andre PERRIARD

Performance Index | 451
M 60-64

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Pierre Andre's Race Results

Only races registered by organizers in ITRA will appear in your results
If some of your results are missing make sure that the race is registered in our calendar or directly contact the race organizer and ask them to join ITRA

Results/Race Information:
Date Name of the race Country Distance/ Elevation Gain Time Ranking Ranking Gender Race Score ITRA Points Mountain Points Finisher Level
2023-07-22 Gruyère Trail Charmey - 24 km Switzerland 24 km / 1530 m+ 4:05:15 368 / 483 284 / 338 Subscribers only 7 282
2023-06-03 SWISS CANYON TRAIL - SWISS CANYON TRAIL K31 Switzerland 32 km / 1520 m+ 4:56:37 398 / 505 258 / 313 Subscribers only 5 172
2023-03-26 CHIANTI ULTRA TRAIL - CHIANTI TRAIL 20K Italy 20 km / 800 m+ 2:32:48 298 / 535 244 / 371 Subscribers only 4 311
Date Name of the race Country Distance/ Elevation Gain Time Ranking Ranking Gender Race Score ITRA Points Mountain Points Finisher Level
2022-11-13 HALF MARATHON DES SABLES JORDANIE - HMDS Jordanie 70 Jordan 74 km / 2156 m+ 15:43:57 27 / 61 14 / 28 Subscribers only 206
2022-10-08 TRAIL DU JURA BERNOIS - La Découverte Switzerland 13 km / 670 m+ 1:40:34 60 / 130 42 / 68 Subscribers only 5 284
2022-09-18 Préalpes Trail du Mouret - 20K Solo - Trail Découverte Switzerland 20 km / 990 m+ 3:13:13 143 / 162 91 / 95 Subscribers only 5 240
2022-08-13 SIERRE-ZINAL - SIERRE-ZINAL Switzerland 31 km / 2190 m+ 6:02:12 1554 / 1593 1310 / 1345 Subscribers only 287
2022-06-24 La Sportiva Lavaredo Ultra Trail - Cortina Trail Italy 48 km / 2690 m+ 9:26:34 1032 / 1490 769 / 1020 Subscribers only 6 312
Date Name of the race Country Distance/ Elevation Gain Time Ranking Ranking Gender Race Score ITRA Points Mountain Points Finisher Level
2021-09-18 Trail des Dents du Midi - Ddm Trail 57K Switzerland 59 km / 3900 m+ 12:37:09 290 / 350 240 / 289 Subscribers only 8 450
2021-07-17 Eiger Ultra-Trail® - E35 Switzerland 36 km / 2400 m+ 6:22:20 170 / 429 120 / 269 Subscribers only 7 330
Date Name of the race Country Distance/ Elevation Gain Time Ranking Ranking Gender Race Score ITRA Points Mountain Points Finisher Level
2020-09-19 Trail des Dents du Midi - DDM Trail 32k Switzerland 31 km / 2370 m+ 5:55:54 91 / 173 72 / 124 Subscribers only 10
Date Name of the race Country Distance/ Elevation Gain Time Ranking Ranking Gender Race Score ITRA Points Mountain Points Finisher Level
2019-09-14 Trail des Dents du Midi - DDM Trail 32k Switzerland 31 km / 2370 m+ 6:09:37 103 / 177 68 / 107 Subscribers only 10
2019-08-04 Thyon-Dixence - 16km Switzerland 16 km / 700 m+ 2:24:33 293 / 411 232 / 292 Subscribers only
Date Name of the race Country Distance/ Elevation Gain Time Ranking Ranking Gender Race Score ITRA Points Mountain Points Finisher Level
2016-09-10 JUNGFRAU MARATHON - JUNGFRAU MARATHON Switzerland 42 km / 1820 m+ 6:02:55 2817 / 3648 2220 / 2788 Subscribers only
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